
The silent cowboy, Mowgli, and I watched Hitch the other night. Truly an inspiration to every man. There is this scene with Al, towards the end of the movie, and he is getting his back waxed... I have considered this... If you haven't read my post, "The Great Hair Debate", written on 6/10/10, do so now. So that is in the 2010 tab, under the month of June. Scroll down, and you will see two pictures of me. Thank you.
If you don't, then you are a pretty lazy, and that makes me a little frustrated. So I provided this link. There, you win. If you have already read it, then....

Now he is Johnny Hammersticks, Hammering away, like he's frikin, Tommy Nobel. What the hell is he doing? Thinks he's got it going bossanova. No way. No way. What is this garbage?

Wait, what was I getting at really?

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