Valentine's Day

YO, it's black history month!
That dude from S. Africa, Oscar Pistorius, the guy who ran (without real legs) in the Olympics known as "Blade Runner," killed his girlfriend today. What a V-day surprise.

This is my third time publishing a post on this "holiday". The previous posts were somewhat interesting. The first was about The Herd. I gave a brief synopsis of each one of its illustrious members (minus a couple, we'll have to remedy that). And the most recent post was an interview with Mowgli about love, which turned out to be a crap pot. So, I was thinking that this would be a great opportunity to write about L-O-V-E.

I have learned some things about love since my last posting. I have learned....

Okay, for a minute, lets pull back the curtain and I will be for real.
Love is tough, not in a bad way. The young and naive think that love is groping each other while in line at an ice cream shop, where the biggest struggle is arguing about not texting immediately back. The real kind of love is that you gotta be willing to put them before yourself, which is sometimes hard, but making their day is much more important than making yours. It's a relationship of trust. You trust them with your secrets, your darkest secrets, your fears, your aspirations - and they can do the same with you, without judgement; a sounding board when they need it or a shoulder to carry them, to suffer with them. That is one of the lessons I have learned this year.

Happy V-day everyone.

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