Having a child changes things. In fact, you could say it
changes everything. Suddenly, the purpose of a parent’s life to keep this new
human alive, where prior to having a baby, the “parent” wasn’t described as a
parent. That was not a title he/she was given. They were just a man or woman.
They did not have the sudden responsibility of sustaining life for another
helpless individual.
It also changes what the new parent thinks and talks about.
A whole new world of baby industry is discovered. The soon to be parent is now
checking out what other parents have. Baby bags become so intriguing and the
brand of a stroller seen on the street must be written down. At night the web
browser is utilized to look up various product and items that are requisite to
be a father or mother. Discussions surrounding diapers fill the space where
vacations used to be. Baby gear takes priority over other more fun gear.
Let me share a story to illustrate my point. I was recently
playing in a 3-on-3-basketball tournament with some co-workers. They are all
younger than me by at least 4 years and only one was married. My wife came to
support me, which was extremely kind and necessary.
As we were waiting for our first game to start a father passed
us with his child. His baby was in slick looking stroller. The kind were… well,
the kind that you notice if you have been looking. My wife turned to me and
said, ”What is the brand of that stroller? That is a nice stroller?” I
wholehearted agreed and strained my eyes and tried to find a better position
for my head to identify the brand. I could just feel the sense of bewilderment
from my co-workers, mostly because I looked at them and they were looking at me
with confusion.
That is when it dawned on me. That old life, the one I used to know, is now
dead. And I am so glad a next part of my life will be ushered in by the miracle
of life.
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