PJ's revisited

What in the world is going through these people's minds? I am fine with sweats. I get that. I do it. Some days I feel fat too and the only thing I can squeeze into is my Starter sweats. Other days I just am too lazy to get them slacks on, but do I wear my Pj's I got from Christmas eve? NO! Despite how good I look with cowboys and ponies resting on my muscular legs.

Girls somehow get away with wearing stretchy pants all the time. I am still not sure about it all.

I see this same flippin kid though, with his Pj's, almost everyday that I am having a bad day. Just another reminder that today is the worst day of my life. So today, I almost said something. Then I realized, this kid must not own pants.

He has no pants because he has no money. He has no money because he has no job. He has no job because all he has is sweats. He needs pants. I want to give him pants. He is gone. He must still wear sweats. I am still having a bad day.

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